Physical Science

Current Unit

A real quick review of chapter 22, The Earth, Moon and Sun in Space, and the Space Race allows us to have another exam in two weeks.... Yep, October 23rd is the next exam. There are 3 different Video Tutorials and PowerPoints for this unit, make sure to watch them. The best advice I can give to you is to budget your time properly, don't wait until the last minute (the night before) to get your work done. Coordinate all your classes and the homework required. It will be easy to fall behind and difficult to catch up. Work hard, stay on top of your assignments. I have included new assignment sheet, lecture notes, slides,and workbook material to the website.

Use the links below to visit the different sections of the current Physical Science Unit:

Discovery Education

Use this link to get to the Discovery Education website. You'll have to know the user name and password to gain access to the video segments, images and articles that we will use to supplement lecture and labs. The videos are usually between five and eight minutes in length, some are up to twenty minutes and as short as a couple minutes in length. You will have to get the user name and password from me at school. It will also be posted on the Forum under the homework section if you need it. Often times short worksheets will be assigned for the videos, pay attention.

More Physical Science "Stuff"...

Greek and Latin "Need-to-Knows"

Planets & Satellites "Need-to-Knows"

SAT Preparation PowerPoint

SAT Video Tutorials Part 1 & Part 2



PH School Extra Credit

Assignment Sheet

A PDF file that has all of the current homework; which includes the reading, workbook and worksheet assignments, their due dates, along w/ the dates for all quizzes, study sessions and exams

Physical Lecture Notes

Lecture notes in PDF files for each of the chapters in the book. You can print these out from your computer at home in this format

Physical Workbook

Workbook answers in a PDF file allows you to check your work. Use them if you get stuck on a question, but not for "cheating". Use CHI, I trust you!! All chapters are available.

Physical Worksheets

These are blank worksheets (worksheets w/out the answers) in case you need to print them out from home.

Lecture Slides and Photos

Here are many photos and slides here that I will use during the course of the lectures on this unit. You can print these outfor full size color hardcopies to help study

Labs and Lab Photos

This section will usually have PDF copies of the labs along with slides, photos and diagrams showing needed info to help complete the labs. These slides can be used to help study for the Lab Practicals. I could even use some of these for the exam itself!

School Master Calendar

The master calendar has minimum days, days school is closed, and special events listed.