Welcome to Mr. E. Science


It's summer vacation! I'll update the website throughout the summer. See you all in the Fall. Hugs!

God is Good!!

Plan ahead & budget your time, and for goodness sake - don't fall behind! This will lead to success.

Your trimester grades will be calculated: Tests/Exams 55%, Homework/Labs 40%, Participation 5%.

Study guide for 7th grade Life Science: Exam Study Guide
Study guide for 8th grade Physical Science: Exam Study Guide


Continue to work on your CHI by doing the right thing - even when nobody is watching!! - CYA!!

All "Miserable Toads" are welcome!!

Checkout the Science calendar at the bottom of this page. It has all the Science exams, worksheet due dates, project due dates, etc., etc., etc. on it.

Updated 5/31/24 @9:05 am

7th Grade: Life Science-Human systems from now on, The Final will include Digestion, Respiration and Circulatory Syatems. Remember to look below at the "CHI Stuff", the "G&L Roots" and "NTK Classification" to see what will be required to memorize. This is all in addition to the regular chapter stuff.

8th Grade: Physical Science Our next unit "The Problems with "Evolution"". We"ll look into what the public schools are teaching about evolution and some of the big problems with the theory they DON'T talk about. Remember to look below at the "CHI Stuff" and the "G&L Roots" and to see what will be required to memorize. This is all in addition to the regular chapter stuff.Be ready....

Be Ready: We could have a CHI and/or a Greek and Latin quiz any time or any day without advanced notice. !!!

CHI Stuff - At this point you will need to have memorized: the CHI definitions, Non sibi and Finis origine pendet and all of the Bible Verses. The last one is Psalm 25:21- "May integrity and honesty protect me for I put my hope in You". This will help you understand what "CHI" really is.

Greek & Latin Roots - There are 125 (114 old and 11 new) Greek & Latin Roots that we use over and over again in Science. Not just in this class but throughout your entire Science studies. At this point you will have to have memorized numbers 1-114 plus the new 11, in other words everything....

NTK Classification - At this point Life Science,7th graders, will be required to know the Taxonomic history lesson, learn the 3 Domains & 6 Kingdoms giving examples of each and the Classification NTK sheet thru Class Bivalva. Here!

Work Email address: tehrheart@mvcschool.org

Home Email address: wwjd5150@gmail.com

(use my home email for a quicker response, I check it several times a day, can't say the same for my work email.)